lunes, 30 de abril de 2012


Music's POWER

Have you ever though how powerful can be the music? Just a song?

A lot of times, music goes along with us, comforting us or letting us to shout how excited we are. But sometimes, can make us to change our state of mind.  
Let's put an example: 
When we are happy we usually put a delighted or cheerful music, don't we? Music that motivates us.
At this moment, you would find me at the computer listening one of those songs that makes you smile inevitably (maybe because it reminds you of someone special, or maybe of a concret moment of your life, or maybe just for the feeling it transmits to you wich you feel identificated with).
But who knows perhaps tomorrow i will have one of those days when i just want to stay in bed, read a good book or listen/play some music. This time i'm going to choose the last option to try to feel a little bit better.
Imagine for a moment that you're in that situation. Yo have so much accumulated in your head that it seems it's going to explote in any moment! Arguments with family/friends, stress, economic or health problems, and so on (we could make a neverending list of this, but i have supposed you make yourself an idea ;) ) Surely you have many times listened to songs that  maybe in other moment could be so deppresing but now they aren't, because you feel just like you are living the song.
Now I ask you, yes YOU, if you have read until this lines that i'm writing. Haven't you ever been completely down and then you have listened to a song that brought you up? Or just the other way round. Haven't you been happy and then  listened to a song that have made you cry but you still loved it because what it says? 

Don't you know yet? Haven't you noticed it? THAT IT MUCIC'S POWER. How it works? Really I can't answer to that, it's a kind of magic that i don't understand, but what i can tell you is that music is based on FEELING.  Beautiful word, don't you think? FEELING, full of honesty.

Just one more thing: FEEL EVERY MOMENT, ENJOY OF IT. Feel the pleasure of diving into the sea and to slpash your friends. eat an icecream on a hot day, chase someone just for fun, enjoy every note of a single melody. Una última cosa: Siente cada momento, disfrútalo. Just FEEL, FEEL, FEEL AND DON'T STOP FEELINF BECAUSE THE ONE THAT DOESN'T FEEL NOTHING IS NOT ALIVE MAYBE NOT LITERALLY BUT IN THE INSIDE .

Ayla and Mica
[Sorry for my mistakes but actually I'm spanish so I haven't got enough vocabulary to say ALL THIS in english ;) ]

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